RARE Soviet Art Propaganda Poster – Cold War Era. 100% Authentic – Not a reproduction. PROLETARIANS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! -??????????????????? , ???????????? ! Poster Publishing House “Moscow” -???????????? «?????? ». 38.5″ x 26″. Vladimir Mikhailovich Potapov (1946 – 1996) In 1975 to late 1980s cooperated in publishing house “Poster” works in co-authorship with L. Had many major works. And was a participant of All-Union art exhibitions and “Agitplakat Union of artist of the USSR workshop and “Agitplakat Union of artist of the USSR workshop. PROLETARIANS (often a Marxist term) = working. (left side – top to bottom) Glory to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union -????????? ; Cooperation -?????????????? ; PEACE -??? ; (French) Peace – PAIX; Labour -???? ; PEACE. (Right side top to bottom) Communist Standard – Bearers of the World -?????????? -?????????????? ; Peace -??? ; (Spanish) PEACE – PAZ; (Croatian) PEACE – MIR; UNITE; Unity -???????? ; Socialism -????????? This poster is a piece of history. Many posters were destroyed upon the dissolution of The Soviet Union in December 1991, so many including this one are rare or relatively rare. Condition – Near Mint. The item you see in the photos is the item you receive. VINTAGE ITEMS ARE LIKELY NOT PERFECT DUE TO THEIR AGE.